Phoenix Trueblood: Energy Worker and Life Coach

Lifeforce Activations

She works with indviduals on many different levels, from beginner to advanced – anyone looking to enhance their own gifts and abilities. If you feel you are gifted and haven’t reached your full potential, she can supercharge and unblock your vibrational energy fields to better access your gifts on a deeper subconcious level.

Her many talents include being an energy alignment specialist with over 20+ years of experience working with energy fields in ceremonial activations. She attends pow wows, workshops and other events, where she shares her experiences with the afterlife and helping all people reconnect to the Source and step into a more nurturing relationship with themselves and the universe.

Phoenix offers personalized awakening ceremonies remotely while visiting her sacred lands and places around the world. She will also offer one-on-one ceremonies tailored to your unique goals and intentions. These are not sacred indigenous ceremonies, but unique ceremonies grounded in her experience of the afterlife. She is commited to helping others to awaken and be astonished by their own abilities.